Mindblowing facts about celebrities – Untold , Indigestible :)

Jack Nicholson grew up believing his grandmother was his mother, and his mother was  his sister.  Jack was an illegitimate child, and his mom was 17 when she  had him.
Jack didn’t find out until 1974, when he was 37.  Both his mom and grandmother were gone by then.

Oprah Winfrey’s given name was actually ORPAH, after the sister of Ruth in the Bible.  But so many people said and spelled it wrong, she just gave up.


James Franco
worked at the McDonalds drive-thru to make ends meet after dropping out of  UCLA, where he would practice his foreign accents on female customers  over the counter.


Jason Statham was an Olympic athlete before coming into Hollywood

Jason Statham has been an Olympic diver on the British National Diving Team and finished 12th in the World Championships in 1992.


Bruce Lee’s Corpse Acted in his Final Movie!

Bruce Lee was filming Game of Death when he died unexpectedly. So what did the studio do? Well, they rewrote the script so Bruce’s character faked his own death to escape the mafia. Then they took footage from Bruce’s actual funeral – including close-ups shots of the open casket showing his embalmed face – and work that into the movie!


Ben Kingsley is of Indian Origin

Kingsley’s real name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji and he is of Gujarati Indian descent.


The Joker would have been Spider-man

Heath Ledger (who played Joker in TDK) was offered the role of Peter Parker/Spider-Man but declined because he didn’t want to risk being typecast as a super-hero.


Brad Pitt is banned from China

The People’s Republic wasn’t happy when Pitt played a real-life friend of the Dalai Lama in Seven Years in Tibet. They blacklisted him from entering the country.


Tom Hanks is a third cousin, four generations removed, of Abraham Lincoln.

Their common ancestor is John Hanks, who is Abraham Lincoln’s great-great-grandfather and Tom Hanks’ great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

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