Searching happiness?

Happiness is a state of mind, it is contagious, it should be spread across by whatever means possible. Sometimes unintended and every time with intent. We have set our lives in such a way that there is a narrow room for happiness  to seek amidst our work, complex relationships, societal instability, whimsical weather (read: nature) etc. I do not know how to be happy or create happiness. All I know is the more I spread it, I am sure to get it back.

Such below priceless moments make me smile and get into the bliss zone. I pledge to update more, hope it spreads and becomes an epidemic in at least a small way.

I love babies. Period.

1- Bubblicious 🙂


2- The Poppy Bear


3- The Fashionista


4- The Hooded Cutie


May be this is one of those days when I just wanted to get down to my love for cuddles and chuckles. I would add up more such moments in the near future.

Share it across and just smile…!


What are the Hardest things to do in Life ?

I was in a retrospecting spree , as usual, while I was on a bike ride to an unknown place once. And in order to know how strong willed I was or am, started noting down what are the things which make me or would drive me to go through pain ~ hard times , in fact hardest in ones life. I realized, sometimes its the subtleties which tests the human patience and calibre to measure one’s tensile strength. The collection below are ones which I am sure everyone would have faced or are going to face sometime in their lives. Few I have gone through, few I am afraid to anticipate… here it goes –

  • Quit a well paying job to pursue one’s dreams.
  • Apologize to people you have hurt.
  • Accepting one’s own mistakes.
  • Staying positive when you have lost everything you ever had.
  • Staying away from family alone in an unknown place.
  • Bouncing back when you have hit rock bottom.
  • Being honest in job interviews.
  • Making others smile when one has not smiled for ages.
  • Keep a low profile despite being extremely knowledgeable about his/her profession.
  • Attending a loved one’s funeral. – Letting go!!
  • Taking responsibility in making a decision which upsets loved ones. 

When I actually am seeing it after a span of few weeks, I do feel strong and prepared. I suggest each one of you to jot down when they are in a mood of self introspection… and
I would love to hear out and enlist your take on the hardest tasks in ones life(however funny or gloomy it might be) . Do comment with your thoughts.

Life is one terrific journey of a roller coaster ride through the unknown. If one has been appointed to take it, Just voice out – Bring it On!!

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Mindblowing facts about celebrities – Untold , Indigestible :)

Jack Nicholson grew up believing his grandmother was his mother, and his mother was  his sister.  Jack was an illegitimate child, and his mom was 17 when she  had him.
Jack didn’t find out until 1974, when he was 37.  Both his mom and grandmother were gone by then.

Oprah Winfrey’s given name was actually ORPAH, after the sister of Ruth in the Bible.  But so many people said and spelled it wrong, she just gave up.


James Franco
worked at the McDonalds drive-thru to make ends meet after dropping out of  UCLA, where he would practice his foreign accents on female customers  over the counter.


Jason Statham was an Olympic athlete before coming into Hollywood

Jason Statham has been an Olympic diver on the British National Diving Team and finished 12th in the World Championships in 1992.


Bruce Lee’s Corpse Acted in his Final Movie!

Bruce Lee was filming Game of Death when he died unexpectedly. So what did the studio do? Well, they rewrote the script so Bruce’s character faked his own death to escape the mafia. Then they took footage from Bruce’s actual funeral – including close-ups shots of the open casket showing his embalmed face – and work that into the movie!


Ben Kingsley is of Indian Origin

Kingsley’s real name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji and he is of Gujarati Indian descent.


The Joker would have been Spider-man

Heath Ledger (who played Joker in TDK) was offered the role of Peter Parker/Spider-Man but declined because he didn’t want to risk being typecast as a super-hero.


Brad Pitt is banned from China

The People’s Republic wasn’t happy when Pitt played a real-life friend of the Dalai Lama in Seven Years in Tibet. They blacklisted him from entering the country.


Tom Hanks is a third cousin, four generations removed, of Abraham Lincoln.

Their common ancestor is John Hanks, who is Abraham Lincoln’s great-great-grandfather and Tom Hanks’ great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

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Photoshopped Images – A spectator’s marvel and creators ingenuity.

Photoshop – This is the best toy for any person who has an eye for tweaking what their minds generally see or perceive. The result is the marvellous, well most of the times!! 🙂

This is one area where being a spectator stuns me everytime just like Messi’s game and the alert , my salary ‘came’ !!

Here below are few images which made me marvel at the amazing creative thinking and skills of the actual creators.

  • An aspect of your life in two shades 🙂 One is colour’ful’ and one is colour’less’

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  • This brings a sense of freedom and fear come together so beautifully.

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  • WYSIWYG – Read wiz-ee-wig – Means ~ What You See Is What You Get!!

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  • You can Sketch , Re-Sketch your own destiny… isn’t it ??

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  • Who said water can exist in only 3 forms – Solid , Liquid and Gas — Hence proved wrong 🙂

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Funny Bones:

  • I am your Brother from another mother !! 😉

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  • I now declare Hitler as – ‘A Complete Man

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The Audacity of Hope

Well, I love the feeling that word audacious brings when pronounced. It empowers a sense of thump to being hopelessly brave. The only thing I have learnt in my 2 decades of existence in this life is I was born for a cause that only I know and I can derive. I am responsible for my actions and reactions forever till the end. And hence I have to stand tall to face the adversities created by me in response to my previous actions. I face life as it comes and I am brave enough to safeguard myself and my loved ones.

This blog contains my thoughts and feelings which are random or sometimes accidentally well thought. If somebody anyhow catches a glimpse, do not mind to ridicule me, I might surprise you. 🙂




Being Restless…

I would have never realized that I suffer from a  ’restless’ state of mind  if I would not have met a doctor 4000 miles away from home. After our conversation I concluded that she was absolutely right, not because she has degrees which approves of her to diagnose things but also because she proved it through proper question-answer feedback method. I used to think of myself as a confused person and acutely indecisive. But over the years of what I have done and what I achieved and I forever want to achieve in future, There is not one instance where I have stopped thinking about what I can do , should do, should be doing, should have done. could do etc… I almost feel dizzy when I actually think of all these now,because what I lack is REST of MIND. My close friends have approved that my mind would blast one day since I  think a lot about any given situation or rather non-situation. Not because I am afraid, but because I am in search of making a difference (may be for no reason).
So, When I googled (shame,still not qualified as a word!!) restless I was bombarded with the links suggesting that it is completely unhealthy to be in such a state of mind. For Example –
All the 5 points mentioned above really helps in soothing your mind for a favorable amount of time. But then I ask myself, if it is a good or bad quality after all? I say it does have a positive side to it. Being restless does not guarantee a good health but definitely guarantees a healthy soul. By which I mean, you can only feel the urge to think of 10 things at a time if you want to achieve and complete 5 of those at any cost to prove something to someone, including yourself. I did my research(google) and fell upon many such articles which share the same views as me. Like , from the word of Peter Graham Dunn –” I would also contend, that while being restless may not necessarily be a pleasant state of mind; it is the irritant, and the motivation, to drive one onward, the grain in the sand of the oyster to shape the pearl”.
In other words, Being restless could be termed as an opposite to being complacent. We feel restless because “something new” often means we want to do something different, something we’ve never done before. Something we possibly don’t know how to do. Something we haven’t experienced before. I believe in, lets do the undone. Another quote I liked – “If I am restless and longing for a place I’ve never seen, then perhaps I was made for this other place” – by C.S. Lewis  . When I see the waves of an ocean or a sea, I see my thoughts and my mind in it. Not even once it seizes to excite me. What is the point of still water,only to take in the heat of the sun? or the lets say, get disturbed by man made miniature boats ?? Well, the restless wave tries to challenge the existence of everything and is hence ‘unstoppable’.    
I ask myself now, and given the fact that I am restless, what all can one achieve in life? The answer I boast is – Everything that he really thinks of. People ,be restless,be edgy,be impatient, set your mind on adventure mode, do not get into a box, commit and do hard work with persistence towards it and it will under your control one day. Although I have still to achieve many things in life, but I love to advocate the above facts. Hence, I got restless when I actually go to know that I have a restless self from a person who has rightfully diagnosed hundreds of ailments.
 What is better than pinning down the thoughts in your mind. Hence this blog would be all about my restless self, What I think , What I do , What I plan to do and What I leave in the middle and so on. Its been long that I have penned down my feelings. And believe it or not Its always by accident that I start my blogs in my office cubicle,after work hours ( trust me! its a nice feeling). I expect to capture many things in this time. My life, my journey to a different culture, My mistakes , My love for the materialistic world , My affinity towards food and My basis of being restless i.e. Ideating. I am a Sagittarian and I believe and trust the 546 rule:-
I Hope this blog unravels more mistakes than correct things about what I think. I am not a Pro in any thing, I am not a gifted writer nor an efficient story teller , but I would love to try my potency in this, Because if being Restless can propel me to blog again, I am not looking back this time…